Independence Day in our Kaplan Schools!

America is always known for pulling out all the stops when it comes to grand gestures – so what better day to celebrate this than its own birthday, Independence Day! The treaty of Independence from Great Britain was signed July 4th 1776, meaning that America is a whopping 235 years old this month!

With a splash of festive colours in red, blue and white, we see how America celebrates its birthday party with one of the grandest guest lists and also see the other countries which mark their independence this month!

Customs on the 4th July

Independence Day in the US in a national holiday with many people booking holidays during the first week of July.  Many patriotic customs take place during this day with political speeches, parades, feasts - a big day for BBQs and eating hotdogs (see the list of unique customs!), fireworks and marching bands with an extensive song list.

The most popular of these would of course be their anthem, the Star Spangled Banner, This Land is your Land, America the Beautiful and Stars and Stripes Forever.

At noon, a gun salute is carried out at each state in every available army base.

In terms of fireworks, the biggest display in the country was in 2009, where over 22 tons of pyrotechnics were set off in New York City!

Places to celebrate Independence Day

Unique customs

  • The Nathan Hot Dog Eating Contest, which originated in Coney Island in 1916, to which people today watch state-wide. This is considered a very prestigious event, including a weigh-in with the Mayor and even a grand entrance in the bus of champions!


  • Macy’s Fireworks Display, which usually takes place over the East River in New York City, has been televised since 1960 on NBC. In 2009, this took place for the first time on Hudson River to commemorate the 400th anniversary when it was discovered.

Independence Day worldwide in July

July seems to be a common month for different countries to mark their day of Independence, which includes Algeria, the Bahamas, Belgium, Columbia, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Laos, Maldives, Peru, Solomon Islands, Rwanda and Venezuela to name a few!

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