Exam preparation in NYC: Mikhail's story

Find out what one of our students had to say about taking exam preparation courses in the USA. Mikhail, 23 from Russia studied for one year at our Empire State Building school in New York City and told us what he thinks of The Big Apple.

Why did you choose to study with Kaplan? How will your course help you in the future?

I choose the intensive English and TOEFL course for speaking and understanding, because I want to study in an American school. Without good English grammar and speaking, I can't.

Describe a typical lesson. 

It's a very tough question, because every lesson is different, I mean sometimes we watch movies and after we have a conversation, sometimes we have conversations about different types of media and practice our grammar, sometimes we work in groups. Sorry, but I can't say every lesson is typical.

What is the best thing about your teachers and the teaching method?

It's very interesting. They explain to us how to understand English, how to learn, some basics. The best thing is that it's always interesting and the students enjoy the class.

Has your English improved?

I came to this school with a lower-intermediate level and bad grammar; after 5 months I'm going to pass the level test to higher-intermediate and I understand the grammar, not like when I just started studying.

What do you like most about your school and the city?

The school is in a good location with good teachers, helpful personnel on the front desk and understanding administration. The city... it's New York, it's Manhattan. It's the capital city of all the world. It's a place where you can find a lot of interesting things and, in some cases, yourself.

How would you describe the Kaplan Experience?

For me, the Kaplan Experience is how I've learned English, so first to be able to come to this place. The second, I've met a lot of friends from all over the world.

What's the best thing about studying with people from around the world?

You can become acquainted with students from around the world, and you can enjoy time together in school and after school.

Would you recommend Kaplan?

Yes, of course. I've already done it. Why? I don't want to be rude or mean, but if you need knowledge about international English language, you will come to the USA. And after, when you finish searching you'll find just a few schools who can really teach you. And one of these will be Kaplan International. I come to this school because my friends recommended this school to me, and now I've recommended it to other people.

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